I went to a hot rod car show in downtown Nashville yesterday and saw some amazing custom cars. The colors were out of this world. This one was my favorite -- a 1936 Plymouth in shocking orange. I photographed it with a terrible background, knowing I was going to combine the car with something interesting in post processing. I used the pen tool to meticulous select the car and then composited it with architecture I photographed in Mexico many years ago. The background had been photographed with film, and for the hot rod I used my new Canon R5. The car was originally in a parking space with an asphalt surface; the hardest thing when compositing cars is to make the wheels really look like they are in contact with a new surface. The only way I could do that was by darkening the shadow beneath the body and the tires. My settings for the car were 1/60, f/20, and 320 ISO, and I used a 24-105mm lens.