This is the view of the Grand Teton range that Ansel Adams made famous. I took this shot from the same place he stood 77 years earlier. In Adam's black and white photograph, the trees far below were not as tall as they are now. The S-curve of the Snake River is completely visible in his picture. Now, only part of the serpentine river can be seen from this vantage point. It's still a stunning composition, and the contrast of the snow-covered trees with the golden sunrise tones on the mountains is beautiful. This is a 5-frame HDR composite, handheld. I wanted to make sure both the highlights and the shadows showed enough detail. The fast frame rate of my Canon 1Dx Mark II (14 fps) meant that all five frames were almost identical in alignment, so when Photoshop assembled them into a single composite image, the results would be perfect. I used f/7.1 as the aperture, and the ISO was 1250.
Feb 8, 2019, 8:38:42 PM
Jim - Yes, it is. I took a chance and it worked.
Feb 8, 2019, 8:25:53 PM
Stanley Greenberg - Hi Jim:
I thought this looked like a telephoto lens photo, that is why I asked. So, is this an exception to your prior comments that hand-held HDR can only be done with a wide angle lens??
Feb 8, 2019, 6:46:09 PM
Jim - Hi Stan, I used a 100-400mm lens set to 100mm.
Feb 8, 2019, 5:37:15 PM
Stanley Greenberg - Jim:
What lens and focal length?