I took this photograph of a baby chimpanzee hiding behind the bulk of its mother at the Jane Goodall rehabilitation center in Kenya several years ago. Normally, I don't like out of focus foregrounds like this. However, since I was using a telephoto lens, there was no way to have complete depth of field using a small lens aperture given the diminished lighting from an overcast sky I was working with. Only had I taken two separate shots and put them together in Photoshop could I have created the DOF I wanted. At the time, I didn't think fast enough so I missed that opportunity. Nevertheless, in this particular instance, the out of focus hair of the mother doesn't bother me very much. All the attention is focused on the baby. My settings were 1/250, f/4, and 250 ISO. I used a low ISO because in 2008, when this picture was taken, noise was much more of an issue than it is today.