Happy New Year 1/1/22. I think the people living in this cabin made the mistake of wishing for a white Christmas! I took this shot near Crater Lake in Oregon with my medium format film camera, the Mamiya RZ 67, in the 90's. Back then I used a hand held incident meter to determine exposures, and remember that a photographer couldn't tweak the exposure on the fly like we can do now. Once the film was developed, no changes were possible. With transparency film, which was all I shot, you had to be accurate within a half of an f/stop or else the pictures were worthless. Incident meters read the light falling on the scene, not the light being reflected from it. This is the most precise and reliable way of reading light in every situation except backlighting. I don't use a hand held meter now because we can easily see our exposures on the LCD screen and tweak them according to what looks good. And, it takes time to read the light with this kind of meter. Time is of the essence when shooting action, like birds in flight, so then they become a liability.