On the last evening's game drive in Sabi Sabi before returning home, we came upon a crash of white rhinos at a drinking hole. I had never see this many in one place. There were nine in total. Unfortunately, it was just before dark and the lighting condition was terrible. When we finally left, we could hardly see the animals at all. I shot this with a 100-400mm lens plus a 1.4x teleconverter giving me 560mm of focal length. Some of the rhinos weren't drinking because, I believe, they were nervous about the sounds of conversation coming from the vehicles watching them. My settings were 1/250, f/5.6, and 20,000 ISO. I later removed the 1.4x converter to give myself an extra f/stop of light. To deal with the noise, I applied Neat Image software twice, and then I sharpened the image a bit with Filter > sharpen. Unsharp mask.