Dried flowers make great subjects. In the photo you see here, I used dried Dahlia flowers that I found in a garden in Turkey. There happened to be a nearby table, so I picked the dead flowers from the dried stalks and laid them out on the table, arranging the colors to my taste. I invited everyone in my photo group to shoot them as well. Many different species of flowers can work for this kind of picture including rose petals, irisis, mums, etc. Just make sure that the back of the camera is parallel with the plane of the flowers to maintain good depth of field. Ideally, use a tripod, but at the very least stand directly above the flowers and shoot straight downward. When the digital sensor is parallel to the flowers, you will have good depth of field at even large apertures. I recommend, though using at least f/8. You do not want any portion of the picture to be blurred. Diffused light is a must.