I thought you'd apprciate seeing this image. In the early 70s, I did a lot of experimenting with infrared film. This is a green tree against a blue sky shot with Ektachrome infrared film. I took the picture through an orange filter placed over the lens, and this characteristically produced a mint green sky and turned green leaves into shocking neon orange. None of the digital infrared cameras today come close in being able to give such outrageous color like this. This film was processed in a line of chemistry called E4. When E4 was replaced by a new line of chemicals called E6 in 1976, it became more difficult to find labs still using E4. Eventually, the only way to process Ektachrome infrared film was to buy the chemicals separately and make your own line of E4 at home.
Apr 18, 2016, 9:14:28 PM
Manny Brams - I like it a lot Jim. Amazing colors and texture. Thanks for showing it.
Apr 18, 2016, 5:19:32 PM
Jim - Thanks, Manny.
Apr 17, 2016, 10:51:23 PM
Bob Vestal - Remarkable image. An aspect of infrared photography that I had never heard about and have not seen images like this one. Thank you, Jim, for telling us about this film and showing the result of E4 processing.