Since so many people responded positively to the owl pictures on Facebook, I'm posting one more (many more will be on my website shortly). All of the previous shots have been of female snowy owls. This one is a male, and as you can see it's almost solid white. A white bird on white snow offers virtually no contrast for the auto focus tracking mechanism to distinguish the subject from the background, and this is especially true since the bird was constantly closing the gap to the camera. Every millisecond the focus changed. I can't speak for the accuracy of Nikon, but the Canon 7D Mark II and the 100-400mm lens did a brilliant job in keeping the bird in focus. To underscore the point, it was even hard for my eyes to see the bird against the snow because of the brightness of the scene and the lack of contrast. All I could basically see were the eyes and a few small dark markings on the wings. I was really surprised to see most of the pictures sharp. I used all the focus points for this shot.