The most incredible costume I've ever seen is this elaborate and brilliantly conceived costume worn by a Dutch couple here in Venice. The skirt the woman is wearing weighs about 50 pounds! When she took it off and I tried to pick it up, not expecting the weight, I almost lost my balance. It is illuminated with 1000 tiny lights powered by batteries tucked into the back of the skirt and hidden from sight. I photographed the couple in the famous Danielli Hotel, and the room was extremely dark. I had to use 4000 ISO and my shutter speeds were between 1/20 and 1/40. I switched on the image stabilization to help obtain sharp pictures. I should have had a tripod, but I wasn't expecting such dark conditions. My white balance was tungsten, and for this picture I used a 24-105mm lens.
Feb 3, 2016, 9:10:38 AM
Jim - Hi Skip, Yes, I normally keep it off because when I use a tripod, I too often forget to turn it off. On tripods, most IS lenses produce blurred pictures unless the IS is disabled.
Feb 3, 2016, 8:01:07 AM
Skip Kask - Jim: You said that you switche on the IS. Do you normally kept it off?
Feb 3, 2016, 1:23:27 AM
Carlton McEachern - Awesome. Not a shot to miss at any ISO