The natural geysers in Yellowstone National Park are warm, and elk are often seen hanging around these areas to escape the brutal cold of winter. I took this picture in the late afternoon while on cross-country skis. Because of the brilliant backlighting, I was able to use a small aperture to make sure the foreground was as sharp as the background. You can see some faint hexagonal shapes in the sky above the elk. This was caused by the sun's light reflecting off the edges of the metal shutter in the lens. In the original shot, there was another hexagonal shape, much more prominent, to the right of the elk. I felt it was distracting. So, using generative fill in Photoshop, I removed it. My settings were 1/250, f/32, and 100 ISO. I took this with a 35mm focal length.
Feb 18, 2025, 9:30:48 PM
Jim - Thank you very much, James.
Feb 18, 2025, 8:45:14 AM
James R Steadman - Stunning image!