If you have kids, you can relate to this picture. At some point -- sooner rather than later -- they start talking back to parents. This little lion cub apparently wasn't happy with parental discipline and wasn't shy about expressing himself! I captured this in the Masai Mara National Park in Kenya. When photographing wildlife, it's important to watch them through the viewfinder so you're ready to capture peak action. If you watch animals with your eyes until something happens, by the time you raise the camera, compose, and shoot, the moment could easily be lost. My settings for this picture were 1/1250, f/9, and 200 ISO. I now tend to use faster shutter speeds than one might think is necessary -- if there is enough light -- to guarantee sharp images. I'm very tired of getting pictures that are 'almost' sharp. I used a 500mm f/4 Canon lens for the shot.