My Iceland trip has ended and I had a back to back photo tour with snowy owls in Canada. I'm outside of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan now, and it's colder than Iceland. I have photographed snowy owls for the past 12 years, and I have so many pictures of them that I was looking for something different, something I hadn't done before. So, I made a precise selection around this male snowy owl captured at sunrise and combined it with the full moon that rose this evening at sunset. My settings for the bird were manual exposure mode, 1/3200, f/11, and the ISO was 2500. I used a center cluster of focus points, daylight white balance, and a frame rate of 20 fps with the Canon R5. My focal length was 500mm, and this meant that even with a small lens aperture, the moon wouldn't have been sharp. The only way in this situation to have both elements sharp was to take two separate shots and combine them in Photoshop.