In a sense, a photography tour never ends because you can always go back and revisit images from the trip to relive the experiences and to continue to work on the pictures. I often give a second or third look at the RAW files to see if there are compositions that I want to enhance in post-processing. I am planning another photo tour to Scotland for May 2019, so I'm looking to add new places to the original itinerary. Here is one of my favorite photographic destinations in Scotland -- the ruins of a massive cathedral in St. Andrews. After the religious Reformation in the 16th century when Scotland became Protestant, Catholic cathedrals like the one you see here were abandoned. Over the centuries, local people took stones from them to build their houses leaving the ghostly hulks of the once magnificent structures to decay. Photographically, they are magnificent subjects. In this picture, I replaced the sky with storm clouds in Photoshop to make the brooding remains look haunting and mysterious. My settings were 1/125, f/14, 400, and I used a 24-104mm lens set to 24mm. With architecture, complete depth of field is essential virtually without exception.
Nov 22, 2017, 11:02:40 PM
Jim - Hi Lorraine, I took the cloud shot in May, 2010 from my driveway. This was the sky before the Biblical storm that flooded most of Nashville.
Nov 22, 2017, 9:02:42 PM
Jim - Hi Lorraine, I took the cloud shot in May, 2010 from my driveway. This was the sky before the Biblical storm that flooded most of Nashville.
Nov 22, 2017, 5:52:45 PM
Lorraine Piskin - Gorgeous!
May I ask, that sky...there when you took that shot? Cuz the sky is furiously gorgeous too and lighting seems magical...making the structure look even more ominous..Anyway, I can see myself going to Scotland, one of my bucket lists of places to go...
Nov 21, 2017, 2:53:26 PM
Jim - Thanks very much, Ian. Would you please send me your direct email? Mine is I'd like to ask you if you know where a particular ruins is. Thanks.
Nov 20, 2017, 10:01:03 PM
Ian - One of my favourite destinations to Jim, I live in Fife. I also have an image of this splendid tower taken on my back as near as possible looking straight up. There are a few good photographic opportunities around the harbour area for future reference.
Nov 20, 2017, 8:39:41 PM
Jim - Hi Gary, Yes, that's exactly when it's planned. Might you be interested?
Nov 20, 2017, 8:36:55 PM
Gary Goelitz - Would you be planning that for late May 2019? Like after May 15?