After posting an image of a werewolf yesterday, I thought I'd post what has to be a very distant canine relative of that predatory monster . . . Cavalier King Charles spaniel puppies. I shot this image in the 90's with a Mamiya RZ 67 medium format camera (meaning the slides were 6x7cm or 2 1/4 x 2 3/4 inches). During the photo session, I learned that when puppies are really tired and they are just about to fall asleep, you can do pretty much anything to them and they won't care. So, I was able to gently put one puppy on top of its sibling and arrange the ears exactly as I wanted. They didn't budge. I used one 2 x 3 foot softbox for this shot to provide soft lighting. The settings weren't recorded, but based don how I used to shoot in situations like this, they were probably 1/125, f/32, and I would have used Fujichrome Provia 100.
Full disclosure: These animals were in captivity.
Jan 29, 2023, 3:19:58 PM
Jim - I know, Barbara. My taste in imagery is pretty varied. I posted this one today to calm down the people who follow me that were a bit uncomfortable with the werewolf picture.
Jan 29, 2023, 1:40:32 PM
Barbara Vickers - Scary yesterday, heavenly today.