This is the bottom of Havasu Falls at the west end of the Grand Canyon. I took it from the trail above the falls. This scene only photographs well when the sky is overcast so the light is diffused. I shot this in 1987 with a medium format film camera, the Mamiya RZ 67. Back then I always used a Sekonic hand held light meter to determine the exposure, and I always shot from a tripod. My film of choice for landscape work was Fujichrome Velvia 50 because of the rich colors. Prior to Photoshop, the color in our images came from the type of film we used. I remember using a 250mm telephoto which is equivalent to about a 135mm lens in the full frame digital format. I would have used f/32 to make sure the tops of the trees as well as the surface of the water were both sharp, and that in turn would have made the shutter speed 1/2 second. The 6x7cm transparency was scanned by an Imacon scanner to digitize it.