Here is another picture I shot with film in the early 90's. I took this at the National Elk Refuge in Jackson Hole, Wyoming with a Mamiya RZ 67 medium format camera, Fujichrome Provia 100, and a 50mm lens. This is equivalent to a 24mm wide angle in the full-frame digital format. This is a wild elk, but it had walked up to the large fence built by the park service to enclose and protect the elk herd during the winter. When I approached the photographer friendly fence, it didn't back off. I got as close as I could to get this unusual image. I didn't use a meter reading for this very tricky lighting situation. Instead, I used my experience and balanced the bright sun with the shadowed front of the animal. The settings were unrecorded, but based on working with light for 5 decades, I know this would have been 1/250 and f/11 with the 100 ISO film. Even though this is not a RAW file -- it's a film scan -- I tried lightening the shadows in Adobe Camera Raw this morning and, to my surprise, it worked quite well.