White on white is one of my favorite color themes in nature. It seems almost elegant to me. This is a female snowy owl taken during one of my photo workshops in Canada. Much of the time, wintry skies provide soft and diffused light and the white birds look amazing with the white background. This is particularly true because the owls' yellow eyes grab and hold your attention. My settings for this image were 1/5000, f/8, and 1000 ISO, and I hand held the 100-400mm telephoto. When I was able to anticipate shooting against the sky in the past, I switched to all the focus points the camera had to offer in the past. Now, with the Canon R5, I use the eye-detection as my focus mode of choice. It's very impressive, especially when photographing action. What defines the success of birds-in-flight images is the positioning of the wings. A dynamic wing spread like this is my favorite.