If you like to photograph birds and don't have the free Merlin app, you're missing out. It's offered by the Cornell Ornithological Lab, and it's a fast and easy way to identify birds. This is how I identified this bird eating on the wing in Lake Tana, Ethiopia. It is a whiskered tern, and it's lightning fast. Even at 20 frames per second, it took about 150 frames and 20 minutes to get this shot. At first I used a 1.4x teleconverter along with a 500mm focal length telephoto, but it was almost impossible to keep the bird in the frame. These terns can change their direction in flight on a dime, and then I had to start over tracking one of them. The autofocus can keep up; the challenge was simply following it in the viewfinder. My settings were 1/3200, f/9, and 1250 ISO.