One of the great spectacles on the planet is watching the New York skyline transition from sunset lighting to twilight from the New Jersey side of the Hudson River. I took this 7-panel panorama with a 24-105mm lens. Each frame was taken in the vertical (portrait) orientation, and in post-processing I used Photoshop to stitch the frames together. The settings were 1/160, f/4.5, and 1600 ISO. Notice I used a large lens aperture because depth of field wasn't an issue here, and at the same time allowing as much light into the camera as possible allowed the ISO to be relatively low. Had I used a tripod, I could have lowered the ISO to 100, but I choose to carry less weight now. Besides, digital cameras are so good today that I'm happy with the quality of the images at ISO settings unthinkable just 20 years ago.