This is the interior of the stunning Serbian Orthodox church in Ljubljana, Slovenia. It is a single frame -- not HDR -- and in post-processing I adjusted the highlights and shadows to bring out as much detail as possible in the wall and ceiling art. It was for these kinds of magnificent interiors that I bought the Sigma 14mm f/1.8 wide angle lens. The huge maximum aperture allows relatively fast shutter speeds with reasonable ISO settings in cavernous interiors. My settings for this shot were 1/40, f/2.5, and 5000 ISO. I hand held the shot because no tripods were allowed. Note the slow shutter -- with extreme wide angle lenses, you can get away with hand holding the camera with shutter speeds as slow as 1/30th of a second. With the new mirrorless bodies like the Canon R5 that have image stabilization built into the body, you can even use slower speeds. I took this picture with my Canon 1Dx Mark II.
Mar 17, 2021, 9:37:39 AM
Maria - Jim, You got your money's worth with that lens! I thought it was a vertical pano. Wow, what an amazing photo.