When you photograph symmetrical subjects, like this art deco in Riga Latvia, it's important to position the camera dead-center on the composition. In addition, you want to frame the shot so the subject is precisely centered. This underscores the symmetry and balance in the image. If you are even a foot or two off-center, the lines in the image will be skewed and the mistake will be obvious. A commonly followed rule of composition -- the Rule of Thirds -- says that important elements should be aligned with the left or right vertical thirds or the upper and lower horizontal thirds. This looks great much of the time, but there are instances when a center placement is the best approach.
Sep 6, 2016, 9:40:21 PM
Jim - Thanks very much. I thought this architecture was outstanding.
Sep 6, 2016, 9:38:26 PM
Daniel Reynaud - I love art deco !! What a beautiful picture, thank you :)