Inspired by a number of pictures I've seen online with small children and big dogs, I took this portrait yesterday. This is my great Pyrenees, Princey, and the daughter of friends of mine. Skylar is 4 years old, and she's half Indonesian and half American. As I anticipated, the attention span of Princey was longer than Skylars! However, with the help of my wife and Skylar's mom, I got what I wanted. I used a Canon 100-500mm telephoto purposely to blur the background, and I shot this from about 25 feet away with a focal length of 451mm. Even though I was shooting at f/9, it was important that Skylar and Princey be on the same plane to make sure both were sharp. My shutter was 1/160 and the ISO 640. I could have used a faster speed, but both subjects weren't moving and the image stabilization worked its magic.