I photographed this peacock in a bird park in Bali, Indonesia. I find peacocks hard to photograph because they are usually not seen in a beautiful pose or location. Other than capturing the classic spread of their tail feathers, you usually don't see good shots of them posing in trees. I got lucky with this pose. This shows how incredibly long the tail is, and how the bird is complimented by the surrounding tropical vegetation. I waited for peacock to show me a profile of its head before I took the picture. The diffused light was ideal for the colors to really pop. I took this with a 100-400mm Canon telephoto, and my settings were 1/160, f/5.0, and 1600 ISO. Seconds after I grabbed this shot, the bird took flight. In so many scenarios when photographing wildlife and birds, time is of the essence. A great pose or a dramatic action sequence occurs and then it's gone in milliseconds.