I photographed this remarkable car in a museum in Nashville, Tennessee. It was part of a traveling show called ‘Art Deco Cars’. It is a 1938 Hispano-Suiza H6 Dubonnet ‘Xenia’ Coupe (you have to love the names they used to give cars). Because the indoor lighting in the museum was artificial, I the replacement background also had to be lit from artificial lights. It wouldn’t make sense, for example, to use a cityscape or landscape captured in day light behind the car. The scene I chose is a twilight shot of Prague, The Czech Republic. I meticulously selected the car using the pen tool because this is the most accurate selection tool in Photoshop. Notice the architecture of the city can be seen through the side window glass. This is a one-of-a-kind automobile, and its top end speed is 110 mph. My camera settings for the photo of the car were 1/50, f/5.0, and 1600 ISO. No tripods were allowed in the museum.