These three mountain goat babies were playing together at 14,000 feet on the top of Mt. Evans in Colorado. I was able to grab two shots -- one I posted about a year ago and this one. I used a 300mm f/2.8 lens to capture the action, and that meant the depth of field was shallow. The distant mountains were out of focus. I liked the image, but the context was totally obliterated. Out of focus backgrounds look good in many instances because all of the attention is directed to the subject. A different approach, though, is to replace the background with a sharp image. I didn’t think of this at the time, so I didn’t photograph the distant Rocky Mountains so they were sharp. Therefore, I used another mountain landscape (that I shot in Switzerland) as the backkdrop. I used Topaz Remask 5 to select the goats, and it did a fabulous job in retaining the fine detail in the fur. My settings for the goats were 1/2000, f/7.1, and 200 ISO. I'm offering online Photoshop training starting August 2 that teaches you how to do this. Let me know if you're interested and I'll send a link to the promotional page. The training is four sessions on Saturday mornings during the month of August.