I took my photo tour group to a Hindu temple in Bali, expecting and hoping for sunset lighting. Instead, the entire area was socked in with dense fog. I love photographing in fog, and our pictures were very unique and truly amazing. This image shows the entrance to one of the compounds in the temple at twilight. The artificial lighting penetrated the fog to make the scene seem magical. To make the picture more compelling, I digitally placed a Balinese dancer that we had photographed earlier in the day into the shot. I carefully selected her with a combination of the quick selection tool and the lasso tool, feathered the edge (Select > modify > feather) by one pixel, copied this to the clipboard with Edit > copy, and then use Edit > paste to add her to the architecture. Using Edit > transform > scale, I resized the dancer to the correct proportion. I then used Image > adjustments > color balance to make her bluish to match the background, and finally I added a thin layer of blue-white tone (using Edit > fill) over the young woman to make it look like I was photographing her through the fog.