This black bear cub acts just like a small child. He was so entertaining to watch. He would wrestle on the ground with a dog, climb trees, play on a swing, investigate a camera on the ground, and hang on to the leg of the owner of the game farm asking for milk. He's constantly in motion, and you have to watch him through the lens waiting for that one moment when a good pose or expression occurs. If you watch his antics with the camera held below your face and then you see a great moment, by the time you look through the viewfinder to take the shot, that special moment is gone. Aside from the wonderful pictures you can take in a workshop like this, it's a lot of fun to watch the baby animals be themselves. My settings for this were 1/160, f/8, and 1000 ISO.
Jul 4, 2016, 11:56:13 AM
Jim - Thanks very much, Ray.
Jul 4, 2016, 9:54:22 AM
Ray Chilton - What a great shot!