I used off-camera flash to photograph this costumed model in Venice during one of my photo workshops there during carnival. The flash was triggered by a receiver sitting in the hotshot of my Canon (Nikon users use a commander). The original background was almost black, though, because I photographed the model against the night sky. Then, to embellish the image and give it a sense of place, I selected the background with the magic wand tool and then pasted in a night shot of Venice. The biggest challenged was the minute detail in the model's hat. The fur that fringed the hat is as challenging as hair. To make it look believable, after the background was pasted in, I lowered the opacity of the clone tool to 35% and carefully blended the colors in the architecture with the edge of the fur. I actually worked in both directions. First I brought the background colors to the edge of the hat, and then I brought the fur out toward the buildings.