My tastes in photography are as broad as anyone I know. Yesterday's post was carnival in Venice with incredible costumes in a medieval environment, and today it's a brown bat drinking on the wing in the middle of the night. Tomorrow, it could be almost anything -- photo microscopy, a cathedral ceiling, an abstract, a tribal village in New Guinea. Weird, I know, but that's how my mind works. To photograph the bat, an electric beam was positioned across a small artificial pond (about 12 feet wide), and when bats came to drink they'd break the beam and trigger two flash units positioned on either side of the water. I had prefocused on the beam with a 400mm focal length. The shutter was left open for 15 seconds, waiting for the action. If no bat triggered the beam in that time, I simply opened the shutter again and, again, waited. The other settings were f/16 and 1250 ISO. I made exposure tests to make sure everything was correct.