I photographed this hawk moth in Kazakhstan. It was particularly challenging because the insect was in constant motion, it was small, and I didn't have a flash setup to freeze the wings. I shot this around 11 o'clock in the morning in bright sun, so there was plenty of light. Taking advantage of that, my settings were 1/8000, f/11, and 12800 ISO. I needed the super fast shutter to minimize or eliminate blur, the fairly small aperture to garner as much depth of field as possible, and the high ISO simply because the light entering the camera was reduced by the shutter and the aperture settings. At the time, I had a 100-400mm telephoto, so I used that in conjunction with a 1.4x teleconverter giving me 560mm of focal length. In addition, I added an extension tube to allow close focusing. This enabled me to fill a significant part of the frame with the moth.