When people come to my house and meet my great Pyrenees, Princey, they always exclaim how big he is. And at 150 pounds, he definitely dwarfs most other dogs. Because he is all white, he looks like a big polar bear -- until you see a real bear up close and personal. Male polar bears weigh 10 times Princey's weight at 1500 pounds. They are massive, and the best way to convey their huge bulk is to shoot from ground level. The only way I'll do a photo tour to Churchill, Canada is if my group and I can get low to the ground -- or even lay on the ground -- to shoot up at these awesome predators. Those huge tundra buggies are terrible for photography. We shoot on the ground in safety (either behind an electric fence or next to a vehicle so we can retreat if necessary), and the results are simply breathtaking. I used a 500mm f/4 Canon telephoto for this, handheld, and my settings were 1/1000, f/8, and 800 ISO. I now prefer a shutter speed faster than the minimum recommended for sharp pictures with telephotos. I don't want to take any chances. My next polar bear photo tour is in November, 2020.