These are large chunks of glacial ice I photographed on the Ice Beach on the southern coast of Iceland during one of my photo tours there. Most of my shots include the stunning volcanic black sand because the contrast with the blue ice is amazing. In this instance, though, I used a 30 second exposure to blur the surf as it swirled around the ice. Many smaller pieces of ice floating on the water moved constantly with the wave action, but larger chunks were semi-anchored by their weight on the sand, and they were very slow to move. My hope was that during the long exposure, they would be sharp. I took this with a 400mm focal length, and my other settings were f/16 and 400 ISO. A 10-f/stop neutral density filter enabled me to use such a long exposure. I used a long lens because I needed distance between my shooting position and the ice. This acted as a buffer against the salt water. One drop of splashed ocean water on an expensive camera or lens can mean the kiss of death.