This is Kicker Rock in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. On most tours here, you arrive at this unique formation at sunrise. This morning it was overcast but the seascape was still dramatic and beautiful. To embellish the shot, and to create dramatic depth, I added a brown pelican to the immediate foreground. Capturing the rock this large in the frame along with the bird filling such a large portion of the foreground, and to have both planes of focus sharp, is impossible given the limitations of optics. This could only be done in post-processing. Even though I was shooting film in the mid-90s, I captured a sharp image of the pelican because they fly slowly and barely flap their wings. The fastest shutter speed on my Mamiya RZ 67 was 1/400th of a second. Both Fujichrome Provia transparencies were scanned with a high-end Imacon scanner, and then I used Photoshop to composite them together.