I'm leading a photography tour to Holland and Belgium next month, and a highlight of the trip is a visit to Keukenhof Gardens. It is an amazing garden consisting of 80 acres of manicured perfection. I kept looking for a weed but never found one. This little blue house used to be there, but unfortunately it has been taken down. I'll see next month if they've replaced it with anything. Peak time here is usually the end of April. The colors and the varieties of flowers are breathtaking, and the way they are artfully planted is the best anywhere in the world. I used a 70-200mm lens for this composition set to 70mm, and the camera settings were 2 seconds, f/32, and 100 ISO. As more and more people entered the gardens, I switched from wide angle lenses to medium telephotos so I could fill the frame with color and design without including any of the other tourists.