So often when animals drink, I'm at the wrong angle or there are grasses or bushes in the way. Sometimes the lighting is coming from the wrong angle. In this shot of a lion cub drinking before sunrise, everything worked out perfectly. For only one moment, the cub looked up at the camera and to me, that made the picture. I could have removed the teleconverter and included the top of the head in the reflection, but that also would have shown more of the white sky. I didn't want that. Plus, I was afraid the action would be over by the time I changed the focal length. My settings were 1/640, f/5.6, and 3200 ISO, and I took this with a 500mm telephoto plus a 1.4x teleconverter.
Aug 13, 2019, 1:01:30 PM
Jim - Thank you very much, Margaret.
Aug 13, 2019, 12:57:16 PM
Margaret Page - Spectacular! A very difficult shot. Perfection!