This is an Egyptian goose drinking from a small pond in South Africa. I photographed it from a subterranean blind in which I was seated at water level, and the one-way glass prevented the bird from knowing I was there. The distance from the goose to my shooting position was about 8 feet. This is an uncropped image. To fill the frame with the head and neck, I used a 500mm lens plus a 1.4x teleconverter, giving me 700mm of focal length. My settings were 1/800, f/10, and 12,800 ISO. I used the Photoshop plugin Topaz DeNoise AI in post-processing to eliminate the noise and, as you can see, it did a sensational job. The lens aperture f/10 offers a fair amount of depth of field, but the real reason the entire bird is sharp is because it was parallel with the plane of the camera's digital sensor.