So many people liked the picture I posted on Monday of Monument Valley covered in snow, I am posting another image taken about one hour later. The fog had burned off, and the contrast with the intense blue sky against the snow-covered landscape was beautiful. At this point, I was still alone. No one drove through the snow early in the morning on this cold winter day to see the Valley covered in white. This surprised me, but it was fantastic to have the place to myself. This composition isn’t anything special. Millions of people have photographed the same subject matter, but not with all the snow. The original 6x7cm Fujichrome Velvia 50 transparency was scanned with an Imacon scanner. My unrecorded settings were probably 1/125 and f/8. In the film days, I always used Velvia 50 for landscapes and cityscapes and Provia 100 for wildlife.
Sep 2, 2020, 8:41:18 AM
Barbara Vickers - Wow, so beautiful. I wondered the other day how MV looked during the rest of that day and now I know. Thanks again Jim.