Kolmanskop is a ghost town in Namibia that in its heyday produced large quantities of diamonds. Now the buildings are being reclaimed by the desert, and it's a great place to photograph. The challenge, though, is that it's been 'discovered' -- which means a lot of people go there, not just serious photographers. And that means footprints in the sand drifts are everywhere. To take perfect pictures here, you can't have footprints ruining the smooth or rippled sand in the rooms of the houses. It took a while to find a small area like the one I've uploaded here. I'm working on other rooms in which I can use Photoshop's magic to attempt to replace the disturbed sand with undisturbed sections I found outside, but this is indeed quite challenging. Still, it was amazing to see once grand houses in various states of decay. My settings for this 5-shot HDR sequence were f/16, 500 ISO, and I used a 14mm Sigma f/1.8 lens. The shutter speeds varied to provide the bracketed exposures, and I used Photoshop to blend the five frames into the HDR composite.