This is Glamis Castle in Scotland, the personal residence of one of Britain's nobility. A portion of the castle is open for tourism, and it's fascinating to see the sumptuous rooms and learn about some of its history. It dates back to the 14th century, but it was expanded and 'modernized' in the 17th century. One of the historical photographs I saw during the tour showed children playing on an old automobile on the front lawn during World War I -- a time when the castle was used as a hospital for wounded soldiers -- and that gave me the idea to digitally add a classic car on the front lawn. So, I went to my files and selected the 1941 Packard convertible sedan. I used the pen tool to make the precise selection and then pasted it into the background image. I used a layer mask and the brush tool to blend the two photographers together. Note that both the Packard and the castle were both taken with a wide angle lens.