For the past three days, my photo tour group and I have been taking the most amazing pictures of pandas in China. It has been an incredible experience to be so close to these endearing animals. The picture you see here was taken on a day when the sky was white, and usually this kind of background is distracting. However, in this particular picture I don't mind it at all. I had to use the exposure compensation feature in the camera to lighten the shots because the bright sky influenced the meter into underexposure, but once that adjustment was made (I used + 1 f/stop), the pictures were exposed well.
The pandas seem almost comical as they strike poses climbing trees, eating bamboo, or just laying on their backs and enjoying the day. For this image, I used a 500mm f/4 Canon lens and a shutter speed of 1/500th, an aperture of f/5.6, and an ISO of 1000 due to the low light.