I had a chance yesterday to photograph a litter of basset hound puppies at 6 1/2 weeks. It was so much fun. If I had to limit myself to photographing only one thing in the known Universe, it would have to be puppies. This little guy fell asleep during the photo session, so I spread out his ears against the black velvet background and moved in close with a 24-105mm lens set to 24mm. The lighting was only window light, and that pushed the ISO up but within acceptable bounds. The window was at the left; in studying the lighting I thought the contrast was too much. So I asked my wife to stand in front of the window because that reduced the light ratio perfectly between the left side and the right side of the puppy. The camera settings were 1/80, f/5.0, and 2500 ISO. The curtains covering the window had a slight yellowish tone, and that affected the color of the puppy. So I used the color temperature slider in ACR to tweak the color to bring it back to what it should be.