I photographed this 6 year Korean girl, who was a neighbor of mine in California, through a makeshift window I made. I wanted the look of a traditional, old style wooden window, but they are hard to find now. So I bought a sheet of glass and glued pieces of molding to it that were cut at 45 degree angles to simulate wooden window sashes. I then sprayed the glass with water suggesting rain. I set up this shot in my garage, and I lit my young model with a single photoflood light consisting of a $10 reflector and a light bulb. I used tungsten balanced film at the time with a tungsten bulb; the blue color comes from the ambient daylight through the open garage door as interpreted by the tungsten film. My settings weren't recorded. I took this with a Mamiya RZ 67 medium format film camera with a 110mm normal lens and a tripod.