I photographed this beautiful home in Westport, County Mayo, Ireland. To create the composite, I used tulips from Holland and a shot of my great Pyrenees, Princey, when he was a puppy. I photographed Princey against a piece of black velvet so I could paste him into the dark background beneath the curtains and use the 'lighten' blend mode to retain the detail in his fine hair. I used the quick selection tool to select the tulips from a shot in Keukenhof Gardens, and then changed the original red color to yellow in the hue/saturation dialog box. Notice the lighting matches in all three shots. This is essential in making composites look correct.
Sep 6, 2020, 12:16:10 PM
Simone Koffman - I absolutely loved this image Jim. Striking colours, a beautiful puppy, what more can one want. Hope you and your beautiful wife are well. Stay safe.
Sep 4, 2020, 10:50:08 AM
Barbara Vickers - I laughed with happiness to see this beautiful shot, thinking it looked like Princey and it is Princey!