There are two places in Wales that feed the wild red kites here. I brought my group to one of them -- the Gigrin Farm. At 3pm every day, the owners of the property put meat out for hundreds of birds. It's a great opportunity to take flight pictures of these beautiful raptors. There are blinds set up on the farm, and this allows the birds to feed without feeling inhibited by our presence. My settings were typical of what I use for birds in flight: 1/3200, f/11, and auto ISO. I set my Canon R5 to mechanical shutter and the frame rate on continuous high which gave me 20 fps. Because kites don't move as fast as so many smaller birds, I really didn't need such a fast frame rate. But -- I hate when the tips of the wings aren't sharp, so I erred on the side of sharpness. The original sky was bland and featureless, so I added a dramatic background with the Photoshop 'sky replacement' feature and a sky from my extensive sky library.