Owls can’t move their eyes in their head like we can. They have to turn their entire head to change the direction of their gaze. That’s what this female snowy owl was doing as she flew past me during one of my winter photo workshops in Canada. This over-the-shoulder look is my favorite pose for these owls. I took this with a 100-400mm Canon zoom at 14 frames per second so I could catch every nuance of the wing positions. They change so rapidly that usually just one frame is the keeper. My settings for the shot were 1/3200, f/11, and 2000 ISO. The camera was set on auto ISO and manual exposure mode. The original sky was out of focus and very dull, so I replaced it with a dynamic stormy sky. Never underestimate the power of a great background to make a picture successful. Backgrounds are just as important as subjects in making a photo work.