We left our lodging very early this morning to drive an hour and a half to be at the Karo village for sunrise. The Karo are known for their body painting. You can slightly see the design on the subject's body in this semi-silhouette. All members of the tribe make great subjects. I posed this young man in front of the eastern sky and waited for the arrival of the sun. Everyone in the group got the shot. I used a 95mm focal length on a 24-105mm lens, and the settings were 1/125, f/14, and 400 ISO. It was essential that both the foreground subject and the distant landscape were sharp which is why I used a small aperture. I chose daylight white balance which produced the golden colors I could see with my eyes. AWB would have neutralized the color. Note I purposely asked the man to look to my left so we could capture his profile. This added to the graphic design of the shot.