This is a fairytale-like castle in Scotland called Craigievar. You can walk around the grounds and use a wide angle lens, which I did, but for this picture I used a 100-400mm set to 330mm. I wanted telephoto compression so the salmon-colored structure looks like it is sandwiched among the many shades of green. At the considerable distance from which I was shooting, depth of field wasn't relevant. All the elements in the scene would be sharp at any lens aperture -- from f/4 to f/22. This is a function of distance and focal length. At great distances, aperture is no longer an important consideration as long as there are no foreground elements. That meant I could shoot wide open, use a fast shutter speed and a relatively low ISO, and not use a tripod. My settings were 1/1250, f/5.6, and 400 ISO. In post-processing, I added clarity, vibrance, and I opened the shadows somewhat to show more detail.