This is a young woman of the Akha tribe in northern Thailand. I originally took this in the mid-80's with my medium format film camera, the Mamiya RZ 67, and it was a slow camera to use. Grab shots were not really feasible, so I asked this woman through an interpreter to pose for me. She held the pose while I set up my tripod, focused, took the light reading with a hand held meter, and took the shot. At the time, digital post-processing wasn't even a glimmer on the horizon, but I revisited the image this morning and made some changes. In Photoshop, I narrowed her face, smoothed her skin, made her eyes slightly larger, and muted the background. I also toned down the sheen on her jewelry. My settings weren't recorded, but they were probably 1/125, f/5.6, and 64 ISO because I was using Kodak Ektachrome 64 transparency film.