These are two male cock-of-the-rock birds I was lucky to be able to photograph in Peru. I used a 100-500mm zoom plus a 1.4x teleconverter giving me 700mm of focal length. The light in the rainforest was quite low, thus my high ISO. The settings were 1/125, f/10, and 4000 ISO. I didn't like using a shutter so slow relative to the focal length -- the ideal shutter should have been 1/700 or faster -- but I wanted as much quality out of the image as possible. I hand held the camera. Since these exotic birds were perched and relatively still, I hoped I could get away with my shutter choice and get sharp pictures. I waited until the two birds were on the same plane (or very close) because that's how I'd get them both in focus. If one of the birds was sharp and the other one 'almost sharp', that wouldn't have worked. And f/10 was just not a small enough lens aperture with such a long lens to give me the kind of DOF I wanted.