I conduct a frog and reptile workshop twice per year. We have about 40 species of small, exotic animals to photograph. It is a macro workshop, so for all the pictures I use a 50mm macro lens along with a ring flash or, sometimes, a twin-flash setup. The advantage of a ring flash in particular is that the illumination is wrapped around the small subjects in such a way that all surfaces are shown with great texture and detail. If you used only a portable flash unit -- the type that sits in the hotshoe of the camera -- the light would illuminate the top portion of the animals and leave the ventral surfaces in shadow. I photographed this beautifully-colored panther chameleon, native to Madagascar, looking straight down on it. You can see how the eyes move independently of each other. My settings were 1/200, f/32, and 100 ISO. The ring flash I used was the Canon MR-14EX. The next frog/reptile workshop is scheduled for June 13-14, 2020 in St. Louis. If you might be interested in attending, here is a link with all the details: https://www.jimzuckerman.com/frogs-and-reptiles-photography-workshop-with-jim-zuckerman